Camping is fun activity that is actually easier than most people think. Many people don't go camping because they think camping is hard and is not enjoyable because you are living without many of the luxuries of everyday life. In fact, camping is the opposite. It is an escape from the luxuries of society and a really great way to relieve stress. I recommend camping to anyone and everyone. For beginners, car camping is the way to go because you are able to bring anything and everything you want. If you are more experienced in camping and are capable of hiking while carrying a fairly heavy load, you might enjoy backpacking. Even if you don't think you would like camping, I highly recommend going camping at least once during the summer. I wrote 'during the summer' because even if you bring the wrong gear or leave important items at home, you can still have a good time camping in the summer. Going camping for the first time in the winter is not a good idea because of the possibility of adverse conditions, low temperatures, and the low margin for error. I also don't recommend judging camping based on a bad experience camping in the winter months. Camping and hiking are great activities that should be tried by everyone.
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Cool! I have never been actual camping, and my family really wants to try it out. Are there any places you suggest to go camping for beginners? Nice post, Matthew!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite campground is the Moose Brook State Park campground in New Hampshire. The campground has a pond for swimming and fairly large campsites. The campground also has bathrooms, showers, and running water. I also recommend the campground at Mount Blue in Maine. I have also been to campgrounds at Pleasant Mountain and Bradbury Mountain and have no complaints about the campsites at either.
ReplyDeleteNice post! You seem to really know what you are talking about when it comes to camping. A suggestion I have is that you further explain what the different types of camping that you talked about are. Other than that, great job!
ReplyDeleteCar camping is a type of camping where you pack everything you need for camping in your car and then drive directly to your destination or campground. It is called car camping because you don't have to carry your camping gear, you just put it in your car. Backpacking is when you carry everything you need for camping in your backpack and you hike a long distance to your campsite. Usually backpacking trips are multiple days or even weeks. If you are backpacking for an extended period of time, usually you will have someone drop your food off at a campsite that you will be going to. Most of the campsites for backpacking are small and do not have bathrooms or many commodities.
DeleteLoved the imagery and its simplicity because the tone is totally conveyed! I like the idea of car camping!