I was recently thinking that I wanted to build something. I thought for awhile about what that something would be and eventually settled on a sled. I decided to build a sled because I have never been that satisfied by the store-bought models and thought I could make something better. I believe that I can build a sled that goes faster, lasts longer, and is possibly more comfortable than the store bought models. I am using downhill skis for the base of my sled because I know that they have very little resistance and people using them can go quite fast*. The top of my sled will be either some boards or a bench-press or similar cushion if I can find one. This post will cover my plan for the sled, the materials I am using, and what I have done so far for the project. If you build or replicate this, be careful when using it. In the words of BrutalEfficiency ^ on instructables: "How do you brake? You don't. Brakes were invented by cowards. ...