Even if you have gone camping many times before (Like me) you should listen to these tips (I didn't and was very cold last weekend). 1. Make sure ALL your gear fits you. I hadn't used my cold weather sleeping bag in about a year before I used it this weekend. It was too small and my shoulders didn't fit in the sleeping bag. 2. DO NOT USE a survival blanket (Like the one I reviewed) unless you are really in a survival situation. I did and my sleeping bag was very wet for the entire weekend. 3. Bring microspikes or a similar kind of crampon. I actually remembered these on my trip and almost everyone else on the trip didn't. I was able to walk on the ground (A huge sheet of ice) without slipping. 4. Have a mummy bag style sleeping bag for winter camping. These are a lot better for winter because they have a hood to go over your eyes. If you go camping a lot you will generally have 2 types of sleeping bags, a mummy bag for cold weather and a different one for warm summ...